
Community Bible Experience

Sunday, February 12 through Friday, April 7

Join us as we enter into a fresh reading of the New Testament. Starting January 22, The Books of the Bible New Testament (NIV) will be available for $5. This is a copy of the New Testament with the books arranged in an order that connects more easily with that larger story. For eight weeks, you’ll read an average 12 pages a day, five days a week. Some days might be a bit longer or shorter, because we’re going to follow the natural section breaks within Scripture, instead of ending each day at some arbitrary point. The average day’s reading takes around 20 minutes to complete. That’s less time than it takes to watch a sitcom. And if reading isn’t your thing, you can listen to an audio version of the New Testament instead. Either way, you’ll be encouraged to carve out time to make this journey a priority.

We will have the opportunity to gather as small groups, once a week during Lent, to discuss what we have read and explore what we are learning as we allow the story in big chunks to touch us and change us. On Sundays, Salem’s pastors will preach on one of the passages the community will be reading each week to help anticipate and prepare for the week’s readings.

We are excited about what will happen as the whole Salem community, from children to adolescents to adults, reads the New Testament in a fresh way. Please buy a Bible, grab a bookmark, join a discussion group, and prepare powerfully for Easter.

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