Every year in April, Salem begins to set its budget for the next fiscal year, July through June. On April 21, in the service and online, you’ll have the chance to commit your financial support for the coming fiscal year.
Click HERE for the Online Commitment Card.
As our pastors remind us every week, giving to God through the ministries of Salem, out of the abundance God has blessed us with, is a spiritual act of worship.
Your giving to God through Salem can make all the difference in helping us continue, and even build upon, the great things God is doing among us and through us. Submitting your commitment card on April 21 will be of vital help to Salem’s ministry teams as they make plans to flourish in the year ahead.
Stewardship Supports Worship
Your gifts make it possible for Salem to invest in two high-quality worship experiences, helping to make it possible for all our attendees to feel connected to God and each other through worship and music every Sunday. Your gifts also make our livestreaming of services possible, enabling us to worship together even when we can’t all be together in-person, and to extend the reach of our ministry to hundreds of people we would otherwise never be able to reach.
Learn more by watching a video HERE.
Stewardship Supports Christian Education
One thing that sets Salem apart is our focus on spiritual formation. From early childhood through school age, young adulthood, parenthood, throughout our adult lives, however our lives may unfold, each of us can find a home in the ministries of Salem that helps us become more like Jesus.
Learn more by watching a video HERE.
Stewardship Supports Connection
The relationships we develop here at Salem are a joyful and spiritual community, and they are a reason to keep investing our time, talent, and treasure into this holy space.
Many of us have seen children who became friends in preschool or Awana still friends in youth group and beyond. Tablemates from Life groups, Faith 20/20, or Tables of Nine have become fellow travelers along the road of life, marking confirmations, graduations, weddings, baptisms, and funerals together. When you come into the building on Sundays or Wednesdays or any day, you’re seeing members of your Salem family
Learn more by watching a video HERE.