In Salem’s ministries for adults, there are many options to grow your mind, heart, and soul. Join the exciting adventure of becoming a stronger follower of Jesus. Adult Ministries at Salem has something for everyone. Brochures with more details are available at the kiosk in the Narthex.
The journey of faith gets more exciting the longer you’ve been on the road. There is so much to learn about and so much transformation to experience that most people are looking for some regular spiritual exercises and some friends to do the journey with.
Pastor Terri Russell
Community Engagement Pastor
Adult Ministries Overview
Adult Ministries at Salem has something for everyone.
Adult Christian Education Classes
(September – May)
Sunday Mornings at Salem are a rich resource of spiritual nurture. Along with two worship services, we have Christian Education classes for all ages from 10:10-10:50 a.m.
Adults who want to grow their Christian thinking and community will find three different experiences to choose. Sunday Lecture Series, Faith 20/20, and Encouragers.
Small Groups and Bible Studies
Committing to a Salem small group opens a space in each of our lives to connect with new friends, grow in our faith, and to go into our world with love and clarity. Our small group launches happen in September and January, offering a variety of topics and biblical studies.
Book Club
Come readers, one and all. Join us to read secular books and thoughtfully discuss them from a Christian perspective. We gather once a month on the third Thursday at 7:00 p.m. (September–May).
JOURNEYS for adults 50+
We believe aging is an exciting adventure full of the most productive years of life. We help provide opportunities to connect with others in this age and stage of life to grow spiritually and intellectually; to explore healthy living; and to build friendships through mission, service, and fun.
Friday Fellowship
Friday Fellowship strives to meet the needs of Salem’s senior citizens through personal relationships, enjoyable programs, and creating a space and time for fellowship. We meet every third Friday of the month (September–May) for lunch and entertainment.
Christian Education Classes
Christian Education Classes for Adults
Salem offers three options for Christian Education Classes from 10:10 a.m. – 10:50 a.m. September-May.
Don’t miss this chance to deepen your Sunday Morning experience.
Sunday Lecture Series
Join us for a 40-minute lecture featuring different topics throughout the year. One of our guiding verses is I Peter 3:15, “But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.” A copy of their recent brochure with lecture series information can be found HERE.
Faith 20/20
Faith 20/20 is an interactive opportunity to learn. We continue with our twin goals of delivering thoughtful spiritual content (20 minutes) to be processed in intimate conversations (20 minutes). Each session is a bite-sized jump into deep topics with a side of getting to know some new people. A copy of their recent brochure can be found HERE.
Looking for a place to connect on a Sunday morning—and beyond? Looking for a place where people share their “highs” and “lows” and pray for each other? Looking for a place where people take the words of Jesus and try to put them into practice in the week ahead? If so, Encouragers might be the place you are looking for. We’re a group of people in early and middle adulthood—ages roughly 25 to 50. We include people who are married, formerly married, single, with younger kids or without kids. A copy of their recent brochure can be found HERE.
Bible Studies/Small Groups
Committing to a Salem Small Group opens a space in each of our lives to connect with new friends,
to grow in our faith, and to go into our world with fresh energy and clarity.
Our small group launches happen in September and January, offering a variety of topics and biblical studies. Click HERE for the Small Group brochure and HERE to join a group.
Life Groups
During the 2024 Lenten Season, “Life Groups” met together to build relationships with God and each other and encourage both individual spiritual growth and unifying growth as a Salem community.
Life Groups met at various times and locations throughout the week starting the week of February 18 and ending Easter Sunday, March 31. More than 100 people participated!
Check out the video below with Pastor Terri as she shares more exciting details and lets us know if another round of life groups is coming! Plus, learn more about a Wednesday Evening Bible Study being lead by Pastor Mark and Pastor Terri this summer!
JOURNEYS for adults 50+
JOURNEYS for adults 50+
We exist to provide connecting opportunities through a holistic ministry within and beyond the Salem community to strengthen spiritual growth, stimulate intellectual curiosity, promote healthy living, and enrich social, community, and missional involvement. For current brochure, click HERE.
Friday Fellowship
The second half of life is a rich and challenging time. SCC’s Friday Fellowship focuses in on enjoyable monthly programs where we can continue to learn, laugh, and fellowship together. If you are 55+ join in these connecting events with a variety of speakers and entertainers.
We would like to CONNECT with you and GROW in this fellowship,
so we plan to GO forward with the following programs and lunches for September-May.
A copy of their recent brochure can be found HERE.
The MomCo, formerly MOPS
The MomCo, formerly MOPS
All moms are invited to join the group that provides an open, caring, and accepting atmosphere to grow and share your experiences with other women. No matter what your background or age, you will find support in The MomCo as you try to be the best mom you can be! Come, join us! You are invited to attend the thriving group that meets at Salem on the second and fourth Fridays each month, 9:30-11:30 a.m., September-May. Childcare is available for infant-age 5.
If you have any questions, contact Sarah Burt.
Weekly Prayer Meeting
This gathering is open to all who desire to come together in prayer over our church, our community, and the world. The meeting is held Sundays, 10:10 a.m. – 10:50 a.m. in Room 6 of the Lower Level. For more information, contact prayer leader Andrew Hill.
Salem Weekly Prayer Update Email
If you have a prayer request or praise, email Grace in the Church Office or call the Church Office (651-633-9615).
Confidential prayer requests will only be shared as you direct.
To receive the Salem Weekly Prayer Update email, sign-up HERE or call Grace in the Church Office at (651-633-9615).