Highlights from Founders Day Fika and Lunch
Founders Day Fika and Lunch was a wonderful celebration highlighting the church’s past and looking ahead to its future!
The celebration highlighted Salem’s rich Swedish heritage and brought people together to make new memories!
There was a table displaying newspaper articles, historic books, and artifacts.
People had the opportunity to look back on how Salem’s strong foundation began.
Coffee and cookies were served for the Fika portion.
That was followed by a Swedish lunch complete with meatballs, ham, rice pudding, and lingonberries.
The food was delicious!
The event gave people a time to fellowship and reminisce.
It was a time of seeing old friends and making new memories.
Thank you to all the volunteers who put on such a special time of fellowship!
Their joyful serving helped ensure a smooth, inviting experience.
Thank you also to the organizers who spearheaded such a special event.
Check out this short video for more highlights HERE.
Watch Salem community members share their memories of Salem and invite people to Founders Day Fika and Lunch HERE.