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Take Salem with You on Vacation
The busy summer travel season is upon us! Whether that means going up North with your family, or traveling to new and distant places, worshiping together with your Salem family…
Looking for a Non-Judgemental, Unlifting Space for Moms? Join MomCo (Formally called MOPS)!
All moms are welcome to join Salem’s MomCo! The group provides an open, caring, and accepting atmosphere to grow and share experiences with other moms. No matter what your…
Sign-up for Sparks Studio VBS!
We are so excited for Salem’s VBS Sparks Studio program this year! Students entering Kindergarten through 5th grade are invited to sign-up. The program focuses on how God’s creativity didn’t…
Salem Hosting Compassion Clinic
Once again, Salem is partnering with other New Brighton churches to host the second Compassion Clinic (free medical/dental clinic) on June 11. The clinic will offer free medical, dental, vision,…
The Grand Gathering
Mark your calendar for this intergenerational event to Connect, Grow, and Go together! The special bonding event will be held on Saturday, April 2, 2022 from 10:00 a.m.— 12:30 p.m.…
Covenant World Relief and Development Donations for Ukraine
More than 3 million refugees have fled from the devastation in Ukraine. Those displaced are in dire need of food, transportation, housing, hygiene supplies, trauma counseling, and medical care. In…
Register Now for the All-Church Retreat
Join your Salem family and enjoy the beauty of the Northwoods in spring at our lakefront camp. Come and enjoy some time with friends, make new friends, worship, paddle a…
50/50 Giving Initiative Benefits Union Gospel Mission Twin Cities
We wrapped up our 50/50 Giving Initiative earlier this year. Thanks to your generosity we raised more than $105,000 dollars for ministries inside and outside Salem. Those ministries outside Salem…
Midweek with Mark
Midweek with Mark is a weekly video series geared to get you engaged in the word, encouraged in your faith, and equipped to live with the assurance that God is…
Ash Wednesday Services
Ash Wednesday is this Wednesday, March 2. Salem will have two worship services at 10:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. The nursery will be available for the 7:00 p.m. service. The…