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Thanksgiving Bags for UGM
Thanksgiving Bags for Union Gospel Mission This Thanksgiving, hope starts with a meal! Everyone is welcome to participate by filling one bag or partner with others…
Salem Sisters Fall Event
Creativity and Craft Night Friday, October 11 6:30-8:30 p.m. Women of Salem, you are invited to come and join in a night of designing a couple of fall decorations, enjoying…
Salem’s Worship Playlists
Traditional Worship playlists samples can be found on Salem’s YouTube page. Contemporary Worship playlists can be found on Spotify.
Register for the Annual Arts and Crafts Fair 2019
It’s time to register for the Salem Covenant Church Arts & Craft Fair. Last year’s fair was fantastic, with a wonderful variety of vendors and excellent crowds. Our rates will…
Kickoff Sunday is September 8!
Join us for worship followed by food and fun on the east lawn. Delicious pulled pork Corn-on-the-cob Chips and other sides Inflatables Yard games Photo bus Jazz music Kickoff…
Kickoff Wednesday is September 11!
Salem is the place to be on Wednesdays! We have something for the whole family! Visit the ministry pages to learn more about our children, youth, adult, and music…
A Triennial Gathering For Women
July 18–21, 2019 Mariott City Center Minneapolis, MN We invite you to I AM, a triennial gathering for women by women! In the Evangelical Covenant Church, we believe that women are called to…
Did you find a welcome rock in your neighborhood?
This week at Vacation Bible School (June 10-15, 2019), our students are learning about how we POWER UP with God. One of the ways we do that is by reaching…
Confirmation Sunday
Confirmation will be celebrated on Sunday, May 19, during the 9:00 a.m. service in the Sanctuary. Following the service, the Leadership Team will host a reception for all in the Fellowship…
A Taste of Salem Luncheon
Our next visitor luncheon will be held on Sunday, May 19 at 12:10 p.m. If you would like to learn more about the Salem community, please join us for our…