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Mucking stalls, Making Blankets for Patients in the Children’s Hospital, Part of Service Projects for Youth
Wow! Did campers at Salem’s Youth Pursuit Glocal Camp learn about servanthood this week! Campers practiced serving at Salem by sewing dog blankets, vacuuming chairs in the youth room, making…
Summer Choir Opportunity
Do you love to sing? Join the Summer Choir as they lead worship on July 14, at 9 a.m. Singers will meet at 8 a.m. to rehearse two anthems. Contact…
Check out Salem Youth Group’s Rummage Fair on June 14th!
Salem’s Youth Group will be hosting a rummage sale this Friday from 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. at the church parking lot! Help us spread the word and don’t forget…
Salem to Host a Immersion Baptism Service at Long Lake
Salem will host an immersion baptism on Sunday, June 23 at Long Lake. If you are interested in being baptized, please call the church Office at 651-633-9615. All are invited…
Stay Connected and Engaged in the Word this Summer
Join us on Wednesdays, from 6:00-8:00 p.m. in the Lounge for a summer Bible study. Pastor Mark Pattie and Pastor Terri Russell will co-lead this group in a study, Listening…
Youth Take Step in Spiritual Journey and are Confirmed
Congratulations to Bjorn Carlson, Britta Clapp, and Asher McKinney! They made the special step in their spiritual journey and were confirmed. Thank you to their families, teachers, and Salem’s preaching…
All-Church Retreat at Covenant Pines Builds Relationships
The All-Church Retreat at Covenant Pines was a joyous occasion! Delicious food, indoor and outdoor playing, picking up sticks to help the camp, a talent show, and a special message…
Summer Schedule Begins Sunday, May 26
Salem’s summer building and worship schedules from May 26, 2024 to September 1, 2024 are below. Summer Building Schedule (beginning on Tuesday, May 28) Sunday — …
Pastor Terri Shares Update on Life Groups
Over 100 people participated in Lenten Life Groups at Salem! During the 2024 Lenten Season, the Life Groups met together to build relationships with God and each other and encourage…
“In the Meantime…” Sermon Series Brings Encouragement in the Waiting
Are you waiting for something? To go on a trip? To receive a job promotion? To have a baby? Sometimes the waiting seems like it will never end. As we…