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Back by popular demand—Journeys 50+ Salmon Dinner!
Join in fun, fellowship, and food! Again this year, Journeys will sponsor their popular salmon dinner on June 12th at 6:30 p.m. The Journeys team will grill salmon and provide…
An Amazing Season of Awana Comes to a Close
Salem’s 2023-2024 Awana season has wrapped up! We had so much fun and learned so much. Thank you to our amazing kids and volunteers! We can’t wait to start Awana…
Check Out ‘Worship Rewind’
We are so blessed with our amazing singers, musicians, and tech support team that lead us in worship each Sunday. We’ve compiled some of our favorites in a playlist called…
Men’s Fellowship Plans on Breakfast Outings For Summer
Salem’s Men’s Fellowship is wrapping up its time together in the Lounge. The last two meetings will be held there on May 6th and May 20th from 8:30–9:30 a.m. However,…
Doxology Dessert
Come and hear beautiful music from our high school choir on Friday, April 19, 7:00 p.m. Enjoy delicious desserts and fellowship time with friends.
All-Church Gatherings
Join us as we come together to prayerfully listen, share, and contribute ideas with the aim of building one another up in Christ and providing input in discerning God’s spiritual,…
Stewardship Sunday
Every year in April, Salem begins to set its budget for the next fiscal year, July through June. On April 21, in the service and online, you’ll have the chance…
Learn to Make Potstickers
We are repeating the popular potsticker (fried dumpling) class with Ju-Chang Wang on October 19, 10:00 a.m. — 1 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. In this participatory class, we will…
Join Men’s Fellowship
Gather for fellowship with other men from Salem, sharing stories, sharing a favorite Bible verse or hymn, and a time of prayer. Tell others about this group and invite them…
All Skill Levels Welcomed at Salem’s Sewing Social
Learn to make reusable drawstring gift bags. Bring your sewing machine and basic sewing supplies, as well as fabric remnants and ribbon in birthday or holiday prints. We can provide…