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Holy Week Worship Schedule
March 28 — Maundy Thursday 10:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.* Communion Services March 29 — Good Friday 9:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. Individual Prayer 7:00 p.m.* Tenebrae Service March 31 — Easter…
You are Invited to a Connecting Lunch
Join us for a Connecting Lunch on Sunday, February 9, 11 a.m. — 1 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall sponsored by the Short-Term Missions Team. Enjoy baked potato and toppings,…
VBS Registration Now Open
Through daily Bible stories and devotional time, crafts, skits, and games, campers will be challenged to uncover God’s rock solid truth in a world of shifting sands, discover that God’s…
Get a Fresh Word with “Rekindle the Fire” Sermon Series
We hope you join us for this practical, how-to, sermon series on rekindling the gift of life in Christ. Our life in Christ, our call to ministry, is given as…
Learn more about Salem’s Short-term Missions Opportunities
Salem has a strong history of sending and supporting full-time missionaries throughout the world, and that tradition continues. However, our missions ministry does not end there. We connect people to…
The 2024 Season of Youth Pursuits Launches this Sunday
During services this Sunday, find out about the great Youth Pursuits Camps being offered this summer and the theme for this year’s VBS! Last summer, over 120 kids participated in…
About 100 People Sign up for Life Groups!
Salem has exciting news to share. So far about 100 people have signed up for Life Groups! Life Groups are groups of 6-8 people who meet together each week during…
St. Olaf Handbell Choir to Perform at Salem
Friday, March 1, 7:00 p.m. The St. Olaf Handbell Choir, the premier ensemble of the handbell program at St. Olaf College, will perform a concert at Salem at 7:00 p.m.…
Missions Sunday is Coming Up!
This Sunday is Missions Sunday! We can’t wait to share the incredible opportunities there are to serve this year
Thank You for Supporting the 50/50 Giving Initiative!
Salem and our three ministry partners—Covenant World Relief and Development, Alaska Christian College, and Manna Market in Fridley— praise God and thank everyone for their prayers and generous support! Together…