Below are the descriptions of the Current Lenten Small Groups!
Foreshadowing the Cross
Taught by Pastors Jonna Fantz and Dan Bergstrom
When: Wednesdays, March 9 – April 6, 10:00 am and 6:45 pm
Where: 10:00 am in Fellowship Hall, 6:45 pm in Lounge
What: Next to Creation and Incarnation, the Cross is the most important event in salvation history. Knowing this, God imbedded images of the crucifixion in the history of Israel. Come, explore five Old Testament stories that point toward the cross. These stories reveal and enrich our understanding of the redemptive work of the Cross.
No need to sign up, just come!
March 9: Adam and Eve
March 16: Abraham offering Isaac
March 23: Jonah being Swallowed by a Fish for Three Days
March 30: Nehushtan: Snake Symbol
April 6: Sacrificial System- Blood on the Mercy Seat, Day of Atonement
Embracing the Uncertain: A Lenten Study for Unsteady Times
Taught by Jane Hutchins-Peterson
When: Mondays, March 7, 14, 21, 28, April 4 7:00-8:00 pm
Where: Virtually, over Zoom
What: Come to this Zoom Bible study and prayer opportunity with an open heart and spirt to experience five stories in the Gospel of Mark where the characters encounter uncertainty. How do you live there? How are you living now? What are the uncertain places in your soul? We will reflect on how we notice the activity of God in our lives in the midst of our unknowns, spending time in prayer for one another, our church and our world. We will occasionally use the prayer practice of Lectio Divina (Praying the Scriptures).
Sign-up HERE
Led by Kirk and Kris Livingston
When: Thursdays, March 3-April 7, 7:00 pm
Where: Room 13
What: How does Jesus’ Resurrection make a difference in our daily lives? Join us for a six-week Lenten Small Group using the InterVarsity Press Bible Study Guide Resurrection by Kristie Berglund.
Contact: Kirk Livingston ( Kris Livingston (651-638-9485)
Sign-up HERE