Partnering with parents in the spiritual nurture of their children.
We are excited to have you be a part of our children and family ministry at Salem! Our vision for Children and Family ministry is that Salem is a place where children and families are invited into a deeper love for God, His Word, and others, are equipped to grow as followers of Jesus Christ and are challenged to live out their personal faith through word and action. We are passionate about helping children grow in their faith and equipping their parents to be the spiritual nurturers of their children.
Through a partnership with parents, we desire to provide a nurturing environment where children are welcomed, loved, and safe and where they are challenged to grow in their faith in Jesus Christ.
Connect: Invite children and families into a deeper love for God, His Word, and others.
Grow: Equip and disciple children and families to grow as followers of Jesus Christ.
Go: Challenge children and families to live their personal faith through word and action.
Sign up for our email HERE to receive further information.
Click HERE for the Children and Family Ministry Brochure.
Children and Family Ministry Contacts:
Lynn McDonald
Children and Family Director
Shannyn Stoffel
Preschool Director
Amie Lorence Grubidge
Thrive Director
Mary Jacobson
Nursery Coordinator
Awana Clubs
Hello Families! Can you believe another school year is right around the corner? Which also means it’s time to register for Salem’s 2024/25 AWANA year! Click HERE to Register!
Awana is an opportunity for students to come together to learn about the Word of God, connect with one another, and develop deeper relationships with Christ and their church family. Students are encouraged to memorize scripture each week, participate in small groups, games and engage in a large group lesson.
We meet Wednesdays, September through April, 6:45-8:00 p.m.
Awana Clubs are divided into the following age groups:
Cubbies: Ages 3-5 (students must be age 3 by September 1)
Sparks: Kindergarten-Grade 2
T&T: Grades 3-5
Check out this video from last year of all the fun and learning about Jesus that happened!
Rooted Sunday School
Sunday mornings from 10:10-10:50 a.m.
September through May
Age 2 – Grade 5
Located in the lower level
Preschool classes will meet in Rooms 5 and 6. Students in Kindergarten – Grade 5 will begin together in rooms 10-11 and will transition to small groups following a large group lesson time. Check-in and check-out will take place at the bottom of the main stairs.
Flourish Children’s Worship
Sunday mornings, students are dismissed from contemporary worship
Age 2 – Grade 2
Located in lower level
During the Contemporary Worship Service, children Preschool to Grade 2 are invited to a worship experience tailored just for them. How does this work? Children will be dismissed before the sermon to the lower level. Following the service, students may be checked out at the bottom of the main stairs from room 10-11.
Sunday Children's Message with Pastor Mark
Children’s Messages are a frequent highlight in our Contemporary Worship services. They let the children know they are loved and valued by God and our church community as the morning’s message is shared in a fun and engaging way.
Check out the videos below from the Sunday Children’s Message with Pastor Mark.

For the Family
Children and Family Ministry is excited to host and partner with other ministries for our Salem Community Events. The goal of these events is to have people of all generations and family status, single, married, young children, and high school students, to come together, laugh, worship, play games, and meet new people.
Look out for these Community Events hosted throughout the year like Salem’s Fall Festival, the Heart of Christmas, Oh Fer Fun Winter Festival, and One Big Sunday, which is held in the summer.
To learn more about upcoming, featured events, click HERE.
The MomCo (formerly known as MOPS)
The MomCo (formerly known as MOPS)
2nd and 4th Fridays of the month, 9:30-11:30 a.m., Fellowship Hall;
All moms, no matter your stage in life or background, are invited to join us for a time of connection and encouragement. Meetings feature an uplifting speaker or video message, crafts, coffee, treats, and time to talk and laugh with other moms in a judgement-free setting. Childcare is available for ages infant-5 years old. Check out the sign-up page HERE. Contact Sarah Burt with any questions.
Salem Preschool
Welcome to Salem Preschool!
For more information, click HERE.
As a ministry of Salem Covenant Church, our goal is to Grow God’s Amazing Kids cognitively, socially, emotionally, physically, and spiritually so they can enter kindergarten with the skills, self-confidence, and love of learning that prepares them for a successful school career.
We would love to have your child join us at Salem Preschool! All are welcome!
If you have any questions about Salem Preschool, email Preschool Director Shannyn Stoffel.
Thrive Ministry
For more information, click HERE.
We feel so blessed to have Thrive Ministry at Salem Covenant Church. Our vision is to serve and empower individuals with unique needs and disabilities to deepen their love for God, His Word, and His people through intentional support while growing as Christ-followers. Through this ministry, we seek to increase accessibility to our programs and provide new opportunities for individuals to grow through cultivating a Christ-centered community—regardless of needs.
While our long-term vision is to reach individuals of all ages, our immediate service opportunities entail providing children access to Wednesday and Sunday programming through additional support and encouragement. Do you have a heart for serving children with unique needs? Opportunities exist for volunteering as little as one hour a month! If you are interested or would like more information, please email Thrive Director Amie Lorence Grubidge.
Understanding that faithful, biblically rooted Christians have disagreed through the centuries about whether baptism should be offered to infants and children, or whether it should be reserved until after a person has made a personal profession of faith, we seek to be a community in which parents with differing views on this issue can worship together and support one another in raising their children in faith and love. Therefore, we offer both infant/child baptism and infant/child dedication.
What is infant/child dedication?
The dedication of a child is a service for parents who want the blessing of the Lord on their child more than anything else, but believe that baptism should be reserved for those who make a conscious choice of confessing faith in Jesus. In the service of dedication, the parents and congregation give thanks to God for the gift of a child and pray for God’s blessing upon the child, together committing themselves to nurturing the child in the love and grace of God, and promising with God’s help to raise the child to know Jesus Christ as Savior, be baptized in his name, and follow him as Lord.
What is infant/child baptism?
The baptism of a child is offered for parents who believe that the sacrament is a visible and outward sign of the invisible and spiritual grace of God naming and claiming a child as his beloved and drawing the child to himself long before the child can even begin to consider a confession of faith. The water sprinkled on the child signifies the washing away of sins, the life-giving gift of the Spirit, and the child’s consecration to God. Together, the parents and congregation commit themselves to nurturing the child in the love and grace of God, and promise with God’s help to raise the child to know Jesus Christ as Savior and follow him as Lord.
Video of Salem’s Immersion Baptism Service at Long Lake
If you’d like more information, please contact: Pastor Alice Johnson.
At Salem Covenant Church, the safety and security of your children is extremely important. That’s why we’ve chosen KidCheck as our children’s check-in solution to bring you the best check-in experience. KidCheck allows us to partner with you to keep your children safe. It is a secure children’s check-in system that will enhance our security and simplify the check-in process.
Visit KidCheck or download the KidCheck app on an iOS or Android device.
Select the link to create a free KidCheck account.
Fill in the requested fields, and agree to the terms of use.
Adding Children and Guardians (If you are a volunteer/employee only, and have no kids to add, you may skip these steps.)
Locate the “Kids” tab. Select the link to add a new child, and input your child’s information and upload photos. Select the save button when you are done.
Locate the “Guardians” tab. This is where you will input additional guardians whom you would like to be able to pick up the children you’ve listed. Add their information and upload photos. Remember to click save when you are done.
VBS and Youth Pursuits
VBS: Magnified!
Magnified! VBS will encourage kids to look closely at the details of God’s amazing world and magnify, or proclaim, the greatness of God. God made us, cares about us, loves us, forgives us, and is faithful to keep all His promises to us. We can praise God together! We were made to magnify God!
Through daily bible stories and devotional time, crafts, skits, music and games, children will look closely at the details of God’s amazing world and magnify, or proclaim, the greatness of God. God made us, cares about us, loves us, forgives us, and is faithful to keep all His promises to us. We can praise God together! Register HERE.
Register for Youth Pursuits!
We have an amazing slate of Youth Pursuits Camps! Learn more about them and sign up HERE.