
Serving in Christ’s Name Near and Far

Our Missions and Community Service Ministry Teams exist to empower and deploy Salem’s family beyond our doors to share the love of Jesus through meaningful service and mission initiatives. We also partner with local and international missionaries and organizations in shared efforts to make and grow disciples of Jesus Christ.

We are excited to connect Salem folks to meaningful service in the neighborhood, throughout the region, across the country, and across the globe. For our purposes, we define service as opportunities that our folks have to engage in ministry beyond our doors in one-time or ongoing settings. Our Missions team, on the other hand, supports longer-term efforts in our region, nation, and beyond.

Pastor Terri Russell
Community Engagement Pastor

Short-term Missions

Salem has a strong history of sending and supporting full-time missionaries throughout the world, and that tradition continues. However, our missions ministry does not end there. We connect people to short-term mission opportunities, to missions organizations in our region, and to opportunities to be involved through prayer, financial investment, and hands-on service in both one-time and ongoing mission initiatives.

Mission Updates

A team from Salem taught 95 students English and the love of Jesus this July in the Czech Republic! The camp featured Bible reading and praise and worship every night with testimonials and a message. Read about the incredible mission trip to the Czech Republic HERE.

Local Missions

As Jesus modeled in the book of Mark, chapter 3, the role of the Church is to both gather and to go. We see in this passage that he gathered the disciples together to be with him and then sent them out to serve and share the Good News with the community around them. In following this model, we encourage Salem members and attenders to do the same – gather regularly at Salem with the body of believers to be equipped and empowered to GO into areas of influence to share the love and hope of Jesus Christ.

Listed below are many of Salem’s ministry partners and regular service commitments. Take a look and see where you can put your time, treasure, and talents to work nearby, alongside trusted ministry partners. Feel free to contact Community Engagement Pastor Terri Russell with any questions.

Loaves & Fishes
Each month, Salem Covenant Church partners with Loaves & Fishes to prepare and serve meals to those experiencing food insecurity.

Manna Market
Manna Market is a food pantry housed at Fridley Covenant Church. Every Tuesday, volunteers work around the clock to unload delivery trucks full of food, sort and shelve it for low income residents of Fridley, Columbia Heights, and Spring Lake Park.

Union Gospel Mission (UGM)
Salem Covenant Church partners with UGM by organizing clothing drives, participating in the annual Thanksgiving Bag Drive, and serving meals at the Men’s Campus. UGM has hosted several service-learning opportunities for Salem’s youth as well.

Salem’s Community Garden
Our community garden supports the Ralph Reeder Food Shelf. Salem is always looking for willing gardeners to help water, weed, and tend to the garden.

Ralph Reeder Food Shelf
The Ralph Reeder Food Shelf, located in New Brighton, gives over 35,000 pounds of food and non-food items to low income families within our community each month. Salem supports Ralph Reeder Food Shelf through monetary donations and donating fresh produce from the Salem Garden. 

Feed My Starving Children (FMSC)
FMSC is a non-profit Christian organization committed to feeding God’s children hungry in body and spirit. Adults, families, youth groups, etc. from Salem Covenant Church sign up to hand pack meals specifically formulated for malnourished children which are then shipped to distribution partners all over the world.

Community Support Center (CSC)
Serving the communities of New Brighton, Mounds View, North Oaks, Shoreview, and Arden Hills, CSC works with residents in need to prevent homelessness, solve financial crises, and provide long-term relationships. Salem Covenant Church supports the CSC as a founding member, serving on their board, and helping to facilitate the annual Walk-A-Mile fundraiser.

Living Hope Ministries
LHM serves the community of NE Minneapolis by organizing, bagging, and distributing groceries every Thursday. This is a family-friendly service opportunity (older elementary age children and up).

Sharing the love of God with joy!