The Music Ministries of Salem Covenant Church endeavor 

- to draw together people of all ages to utilize their musical talents to honor and praise God;
- to develop and sharpen music skills to higher levels of excellence while humbly giving praise to God;
- to explore and utilize a variety of styles and genres, from ancient to future, that demonstrate the greatness of God.
- to find joy and spiritual encouragement working with each other and sharing the gift of music in worship and other opportunities for ministry, both within and outside of Salem.
The Music Ministries brochure can be found HERE.
Check out the 2025 Christmas Concert.
God’s Children Sing
Ages 0-5 with attending adult
God’s Children Sing is a unique program for our youngest participants. Music, movement, and sensory-motor exploration experiences are combined with faith stories that begin to nurture the spiritual being of this young age. The class is free and offered on Wednesdays from 6:00 pm – 6:40 pm. Register on KidCheck.
Praise Singers
Grades 1–5
The Praise Singers learn about music in worship, theory skills, and vocal technique in really fun ways! The group sings four to six times a year in both the Traditional and Contemporary Services. This group will focus on learning about music, worship, and praising God through fun! The class is free and offered on Wednesdays from 5:50 pm – 6:40 pm. Contact Marilyn Jenson or Heather Douglass for more information.
Register on KidCheck.
*Check out this short video of the kids practicing!
Joy Singers
Grades 6–8
The Joy Singers share their voices by participating in the Traditional Service throughout the year. During Joy Singers rehearsals, students learn how to read music, basic music theory, how to sing with a focused tone and breath support, the role of music in different types of worship, what the Bible says about music, and much, much more! The Joy Singers honor God through music and learning how to serve others through our talents and gifts. The class is offered on Wednesdays from 6:00 pm – 6:40 pm. Contact Amy Lindquist, Joy Singers Director for more information.
Grades 9–12
Doxology means “a hymn of praise to God.” The group helps lead worship in both the Traditional and the Contemporary Services, singing music from Bach to Barlow Girl. Doxology is a group that desires to impact Salem and the community it resides in by demonstrating unity in Christ through the medium of music. Doxology welcomes any 9th-12th grader with a love for music and a positive, willing spirit. The class is free and offered on Wednesdays following Youth Bible School.
Sanctuary Choir
High School–Retiree
The Sanctuary Choir is the primary choir in the Traditional Service. If you love to sing and can commit to the rehearsal and worship schedule, you are encouraged to become a part of this music ministry. Rehearsals have elements of worship, fellowship, aesthetic enjoyment, fun, and spiritual inspiration. The Choir usually sings 3 out of every 4 Sundays at the Traditional Service. It meets on Wednesdays from 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm. Contact Director Jon Veenker for more information
Salem Handbell Ensemble
High School–Retiree
The Salem Handbell Ensemble is comprised of experienced and dedicated ringers who use their talents to glorify God through the unique medium of English Handbells. We play 6-8 times per year in worship services and at the Christmas Concert. We are actively looking for a few more people with music reading ability. We will teach ringing techniques. It meets on Thursdays, from 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm.
Salem String Band
High School–Retiree
The Salem String Band has a long historic tradition going back to its origins in 1895. The current String Band was organized in 1978 under the direction of Les Schwartz and has been performing and making recordings continuously since then. The Band plays gospel songs accompanied by guitar, mandolin, violin, ukulele, etc. String Band is open to any man or woman above the beginner level who plays a stringed instrument and enjoys singing and playing familiar gospel music.
Brass Ensembles
High School–Retiree
Salem’s brass ensembles are frequently heard in worship services throughout the year. Various groupings—quartet, quintet, sextet, brass choir—may play a solo selection, accompany a choir anthem, or lead the congregation in hymn singing along with the organ. Rehearsals are scheduled as needed. This is a wonderful way to use your talents with others who also love to play a brass instrument.
The Brass Ensemble will lead worship on August 11, at 9 a.m. For more information click HERE.
Contemporary Worship Team
The contemporary worship service is in need of volunteers in the audio-visual area including running ProPresenter and livestream video switching. Please contact Bjorn Pederson for further details.
Wind Ensemble
Grade 6–Retiree
The Salem Wind Ensemble is a large, multi-generational wind and percussion ensemble. Our goal is to provide an opportunity for Salem members and friends to use their instrumental music talents in praise of God in a worship setting. Participants are in sixth grade or older and have played a wind or percussion instrument for at least two years. Younger members gain skill and confidence by playing with adults, and adult members enjoy helping and encouraging the younger ones. We normally play twice a year in the Traditional Worship Services, once in November and once in early Spring, and in the annual Salem Christmas Concert. There are two rehearsals previous to each worship opportunity. Participants are required to attend at least one of the two. Attending both is recommended, especially for the younger members. The worship and rehearsal schedule will be printed in the Sunday bulletins. New members are always welcome! If you are thinking about joining, contact Warren Starr or come to a rehearsal and try it out!
Contemporary Worship Team
Contemporary Worship Team
The contemporary worship service is in need of volunteers in the audio-visual area including running ProPresenter and livestream video switching. Please contact Bjorn Pederson at for further details.
We are excited to share our Contemporary Worship Playlist with you!
The songs featured on this Spotify playlist are the original artist’s songs that Salem’s Contemporary Worship Team performs during the Sunday Service.
Click HERE to enjoy the music!
Worship Rewind
We are so blessed with our amazing singers, musicians, and tech support team that lead us in worship each Sunday. We’ve compiled some of our favorites in a playlist called “Worship Rewind.” If you think their God-given gift sounds amazing here, check them out in person! The Tradition Service is at 9:00 and the Contemporary Service is at 11:00 on Sunday mornings.
Worship Rewind – Contemporary Service

Worship Rewind – Traditional Service