
Connecting and Serving Students in Grades 6-12 and their Families.

Salem Middle School and High School Youth are meeting on Sunday mornings from 10:10-10:50 and on Wednesdays from 6:45-8:00! Check out the Youth calendar or weekly email for more info!

Salem Youth Ministries partners with families and the wider church to connect students to one another and to Jesus Christ, and to help them grow in their relationship with Christ. Through experiential learning, worship, service, and fun, students are challenged and equipped to live a “whole life” faith that shapes every aspect of their lives.

Our youth program focuses on relevant, biblical teaching, engaging small-group interactions and intentional connection with and resourcing of parents. Our goal is to have students open themselves to God’s ongoing work in their lives beyond their time with us at Salem. Special events throughout the year will offer opportunities for fun, discipleship, meaningful service, and for inviting friends to come to experience God’s love.

We live out Salem Covenant Church’s mission of connecting, growing, and going. That mission is at the center of what we hope to offer through Salem Youth Ministry.

Shelli Streeper
Youth and Young Adult Director

Click HERE for the Salem Youth Group Instagram Page.

For upcoming special events, check out the weekly email (contact Shelli to be added), the brochure, or the weekly bulletin.

Click HERE for the Youth Ministry brochure.


10:10-10:50 Middle School Confirmation Classes 

10:10-10:50 High School Sunday School 


Wednesday Evenings

The Middle School and High School youth groups are Wednesday evenings from 6:45-8 p.m. We would love to have you join us! Come connect with friends, play some games, hear a faith-filled lesson and discuss with friends in small groups.


Confirmation is open by enrollment to students in grades 6-8.  The purpose of Confirmation at Salem Covenant Church is to lead students to explore, engage in, and deepen their relationship with God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, with God’s people through the ages and Christ’s Church around the world, with our local church community and denomination, and with the life, mission, and ministry God calls us together to share. We have three different confirmation classes – an Old Testament survey class, a New Testament survey class, and a Foundations of Faith class. Confirmation meets at 10:10 – 10:50 on Sunday mornings during the education hour.

Students must complete all requirements from all classes to be confirmed at Salem Covenant Church. Know that we want students to be confirmed at Salem and we seek to work individually with students to ensure they succeed!

Click HERE for our Confirmation Schedule.

Watch our Confirmation Orientation Video.

Youth Pursuits Summer Camps

Register for Youth Pursuits!

We have an amazing slate of Youth Pursuits Camps!  Learn more about them and VBS HERE.

Special Events

For upcoming special events, check out the weekly email (contact Shelli to be added), the brochure, or the weekly bulletin.

Past special events include bowling, snow tubing, checking out a corn maze and Zero Gravity, and teaming up with Emmanuel Covenant to have a epic game of Capture the Chickens. We also go on special retreats every year as well as participate in service opportunities.

In 2023, Salem youth had the opportunity to go on a missions trip to Esperanza Viva Youth Home, an orphanage in Mexico. Listen to the impact it had HERE.

Inspiring and equipping all generations.