Volunteer in the Nursery for Christmas Eve Services
Would you please consider signing up to help in Salem nursery during one of the Christmas services? Sign up in the nursery or contact Mary Jacobson at mjacobson@salem-covenant.church. Your help…
Salem Christmas Concert Coming Up!
The Salem Music Ministries will present a free concert of Christmas music on Sunday, December 15 at 2:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary. A reception will follow.
Sign up to Deliver Poinsettias
Spread cheer this holiday season by delivering plants to homebound members and friends! Sign up on the bulletin board behind the Welcome Center or by calling the Church Office. Poinsettias will be…
Celebrate the Season with an ‘Invitation to Advent’ event
‘Tis the Season! Join us tomorrow for a festive evening of fun at Salem Covenant Church! Here’s a look at the schedule for the ‘Invitation to Advent’ event! 4:00 —…
Youth and Adults Teaming Up to Pack Meals
Salem youth are packing at FMSC on Wednesday, November 20 from 7:15 – 8:45 p.m. Salem Journeys 50+ group has a chance to pack with this great group of young…
Salem Volunteers Serve at Loaves and Fishes
Salem volunteers served the Lord with gladness at a Loaves and Fishes meal in early November. The volunteers prepared a nutritious nacho meal. The mission of Loaves and Fishes is…
Salem Arts & Craft Fair Called ‘A Wonderful Success’
Organizer Mary Jacobson says the 2024 Salem Arts & Crafts Fair held on November 2nd was a wonderful success! She says it was so well attended and was fun…
Prepare for the Advent Season with a Choral Concert
The Chrismon Chorale will present a sacred choral concert at Salem on Sunday, November 17, beginning at 4 p.m. The program will include Mark Hayes’ “Magnificat,” an ballad that focues…
Salem’s Constitution and Bylaws Update
The Constitution and Bylaws Update Committee has completed their review of Salem’s constitution and bylaws. Come to one of the meetings below and learn about the committee’s journey, the deliberations,…
Meet Michelle Rinken, Salem’s New Office Manager
We are delighted to share the news that Michelle Rinken has joined our staff as Office Manager. Michelle has experience in managing groups of people, finance, and creative problem solving,…