
7 Days of Prayer

Powerful Prayer Experience
March 5-12, 2017

The season of Lent is a season for prayer and Salem has an upcoming event that will help you to prepare for this holy time. During March 5-12, the Prayer Ministry Team invites you all to join in 7 Days of Prayer, this year with the theme The Garden of Gethsemane. Participants may sign up for a one-hour slot during the building’s open hours. They spend that hour in the specially prepared Chapel (Room 15, lower level) with creative prayer stations that help prompt meaningful encounters with God. Think you can’t possibly pray for an hour? You will be surprised how quickly the time passes! Many participants in previous years have found 7 Days of Prayer to be a profound experience for them and their families which led to a new vitality in their prayer life.

Sign up starting on Sunday, February 12 at the table in the Narthex or online HERE.

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