
Community Summer Celebration: Planting Seeds of Faith


Come and enjoy a fun-filled community connection event in Salem Covenant Church’s backyard! Your family is invited to attend Salem’s Contemporary Service at 10:30 a.m. on August 6th.  After the service, join other Youth Pursuits families and the rest of the church in the backyard for the celebration. Lunch will be provided ($5/person suggested donation), as well as activities for kids (and kids at heart!), music, and a cornhole tournament.We will also be accepting donations for Kidz Closet, an organization the GLOCAL camp volunteered with this summer. It’s an organization that the community can use to receive children’s clothes if they are in need.They are currently in need of diapers (especially sizes 4, 5, and 6), pull ups (size 3T–6), and wipes. They are also looking for t-shirts and jeans or leggings/sweat pants for both boys and girls, size 3T–8. They do not need infant clothes at this time. 

If you have any questions, contact the YP interns, Aubree Klein and Tiara Lamb.

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