
Highlights from Salem’s 2022 Semiannual Meeting

Members from the Salem Community filed into the Church’s sanctuary for the Semiannual Business meeting on Thursday, January 20th.  The meeting gave members a chance to hear the vital signs of the church.  Church Chair Kent Whitworth says the church is in good shape financially and that the church’s expenses are not exceeding money coming in.

Whitworth says, “We just completed the audit, so we had an outside accounting firm review our books and they gave us in essence a clean bill of health. So, first and foremost I want to give a huge word of thanks to all those in the congregation that contribute so faithfully and consistently to Salem, but I think part of the reason people respond that way is because they trust that we will be good stewards.”

Another positive financial report heard at the meeting was that the 50/50 campaign goal was reached.  The campaign raised more than $103,000 dollars to help groups inside and outside the church.  

An update on building plans was also discussed.  Jeff Toensing Chair of the Building Committee says the committee plans to ask architectural firms to submit proposals that would address needs in Salem’s contemporary worship, children’s programming, and office space. 

Click HERE for Pastor Mark’s update for the Semiannual Meeting.  

If you would like a copy of the full report:

  • Pick one up at Salem Covenant Church
  • Call Salem at 651-633-9615 to request it to be mailed to you
  • Email Salem for a digital copy

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