
Register for Yogadevotion

We will be starting up Yogadevotion again, with Josie as our instructor, this January. If you miss a class, recordings are available.

Yogadevotion is a practice of breath, prayer and movement led by a trained yoga instructor. Yogadevotion helps to encourage healthy living, a peaceful presence and centering ourselves in the Presence of God… setting aside all that distracts us from the relationship God intents for us. This Yogadevotion class incorporates poses that increase range of motion, improve balance and bring attention to the breath.

January 9 – February 27
Tuesday evenings || 6:00-7:00pm
8 week session
Cost: $88
Drop-In class: $15

Click HERE to sign-up.

If you have any questions regarding the class, please contact Sue Pederson

Connect - Grow - Go