
BLESS: Serve With Love
John 13:1-17
Rev. Luke Korthuis

BLESS is a new way of thinking about loving our neighbors.

BLESS focuses on five missional practices we can engage to naturally introduce people to Jesus Christ. It is founded on the idea that since the beginning of our story with God, God has demonstrated his deep love for us through his blessing. In turn, we become a blessing to others. We often engage with these practices every day with our friends and family. By vectoring these practices outward to include people who may be far from God, we can bless and bring people to new life in Christ. Every one of us can easily and naturally live out the five BLESS missional practices with unchurched people.

The Gospel is the only sure place of hope and transformation, yet sharing it graciously and effectively with our neighbors in today’s world is often a challenge. Join us as we consider simple steps we can take as we seek to invite others to experience the transforming love of God in their lives. The Holy Spirit wants to bless the people in our lives with God’s invitation to come and meet Jesus. 

  • Begin with Prayer—Pray and ask God who you could pray for that doesn’t know Jesus.
  • Listen with Care—We begin by listening rather than talking. In this way, we can learn how best to pray for another person to know Jesus.
  • Eat or Experience Together—Invite the person you are praying for to eat with you or share an experience together.
  • Serve with Love—As you listen to the person you are praying for, think about ways you could help them—then do it!
  • Share Your Story—After you have prayed, listened to, eaten with, and cared for the person whose name God laid on your heart, share your story about Jesus with them.

BLESS: Serve With Love
Rev. Luke Korthuis  |  Sunday, November 17, 2019

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“BLESS: Serve With Love” John 13:1-17

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