
Personal or Perfection?
Romans 16:25-27
Pastor Jonna Fantz

As followers of Jesus, most of us have a wide range of stereotypes about evangelism, some potentially positive, many downright ineffective, inappropriate, or just plain awful. This is a problem since these negative images keep us from fulfilling Jesus’ call to proclaim the Good News and make disciples of all nations. Join us in exploring some of the facts and fictions about evangelism as we consider practical ways we can share the message of God’s love and invite others, as the Scripture says, “to taste and see that the Lord is good!”

Having the perfect description of the Gospel or knowing all the relevant Scriptures is far less important than is sharing your own experience of God’s work of grace in your own life. Join us as we consider how to share our Good News stories of God’s love as we seek to encourage others to experience God’s love themselves.

EVANGELISM: FACT AND FICTION Personal or Perfection?
Pastor Jonna Fantz  |  Sunday, September 1, 2019

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“EVANGELISM: FACT AND FICTION Personal or Perfection?” Romans 16:25-27

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