We warmly welcome our newest members to Salem Covenant Church! See below for a short biography to get to know those who have joined better.
Jan DeWall
Jan DeWall walked forward as a young adult in response to an altar call. Even as Jan walked, well before she knelt at the altar, she experienced a change in her heart and a change of purpose that transformed everything for her. Life has been different and better ever since.
Tom and Rachel Jones
Tom came to Christ through the ministry of Navigators at the University of Minnesota, though looking back he can see the Holy Spirit pursuing him long before. He and Rachel have three children and have been involved in cross-cultural mission work throughout their adult lives.
Rachel became a Christian as a young child and has continued growing in Christ ever since. Living and serving in mission work among Muslims in the Horn of Africa and continuing to study the Bible and walk with the Spirit has blessed her with an ongoing transformative, ever-evolving relationship with God.
Bruce and Dorothy Olsen
As a child in Sunday School, Bruce committed his life to Christ. Through the years, through life experiences and a growing knowledge of God’s Word, through attending Bethel College (later “University”) and teaching there for many years, Bruce has continued to grow in faith, understanding, and gratitude for the grace of God.
Growing up in a Christian family, it was as a youth that Dorothy came to personally trust in Jesus and commit her life to him. Since then, she has continued to actively live for him through involvement in churches, work as a schoolteacher and principal, and in all of life.