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Schedule for Wednesday Evening Meals
We welcome your family to join us for a meal on Wednesdays at Salem Covenant Church! The meals are a convenient and nutritious way to have supper before heading off…
Check out Contemporary Worship’s Spotify Playlist!
We are excited to share our Contemporary Worship Playlist with you! The songs featured on this Spotify playlist are the original artist’s songs that Salem’s Contemporary Worship Team performs during…
Thrive Worship Night
Friday, January 31, 6–7 p.m. || Gym Join us for an evening of worship as we gather together with families affected by disability. There will be flexible seating options, sensory…
Mark Your Calendars for Salem’s Annual Arts and Crafts Fair
The annual Salem Covenant Church Arts and Crafts is right around the corner! It will be held November 5 from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. There will be over 100…
Game Ready. Life Ready! Salem Sport Ministry: Basketball Registration Open!
Attention all (budding) athletes in preschool (age 4 by September 1, 2022), kindergarten, and 1st grade!! We welcome you to play basketball on Tuesdays in November (and the first Tuesday…
Wednesday Evening Programming
There’s a full slate of activities to grow your faith and get you connected at Salem on Wednesdays. Take a look below for a quick rundown. You can also check…
Back-To-School Prayer Opportunity
Whether you are a student, teacher, school staff member, parent, or interested in the education of our youth, a guided prayer opportunity with a Back-To-School theme is available for you…
AWANA Clubs Registration Now Open
Registration is now open for the 2022-2023 AWANA Clubs Season! AWANA is an opportunity for students to come together to learn about the Word of God, connect with one another…
Summer Choir Opportunity
Join the summer choir on Sunday, July 10 to sing for the 9:00 a.m. Traditional Service! No audition! No robe! Just come at 8:00 a.m. You will receive copies of…
Summer Sermon Series: Shaped by the Psalms
For thousands of years, the Psalms have served as the prayers of God’s people, giving shape and inspiration to every other prayer, and profoundly shaping God’s people in the process.…