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Lenten Small Groups Launch Soon
Salem’s Lenten Small Groups are launching in March! Lent is the forty days (not including Sundays) which comes before Easter. Traditionally, it is a time of fasting, prayer, and reflection. …
Highlights from Salem’s 2022 Semiannual Meeting
Members from the Salem Community filed into the Church’s sanctuary for the Semiannual Business meeting on Thursday, January 20th. The meeting gave members a chance to hear the vital signs…
Salem Preschool Open House Coming Up!
Salem Preschool’s Open House is Saturday, January 29, 2022 from 9:30-11:30 am. Families will be able to visit classrooms, meet with teachers and learn what makes Salem a special place…
Salem’s Sports Ministry currently offering Pickleball for adults!
Adult Open Pickleball will be offered every Thursday from 7:30-9:00pm in January and February at Salem. Games will take place indoors, in the church’s gymnasium. There is no cost to…
Connecting and Serving Students in Grades 6-12 and their Families. Salem Middle School and High School Youth are meeting for Summer Life Groups regularly! Check out the Youth calendar or…
Join Salem’s MomCo (formally called MOPS)
For Mothers to be inspired and encouraged MOPS stands for Mothers of Preschoolers and is for every mom with children from birth through kindergarten. MomsNext, an extension of MOPS, exists to…
AWANA Clubs will begin on September 15! Wednesdays, 6:45-8:00 p.m. AWANA is an opportunity for students to come together to learn about the Word of God, connect with one another,…
Children and Family Sundays
Flourish Children’s Worship is meeting weekly on Sunday mornings. During the Contemporary Worship Service, children Preschool to Grade 2 are invited to a worship experience tailored just for them. How…
Adult Christian Education Classes
Salem offers two options for Christian Education Classes starting September 19 Adult Sunday School The Adult Sunday School is a 40-minute lecture. One of our guiding verses is I Peter…
2021-2022 Book Club List!
Salem Book Club 2020-2021 The book selections are primarily secular and we will discuss them from our Christian perspective. Contact Sue Poston or the Church Office for details regarding our monthly…