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Creation Station Camp
Monday, July 15-Thursday, July 18 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. for children entering Grades 3-5 Students will connect with God’s Word through creative art and learning experiences. Bring your Bibles, imaginations,…
Tables of Nine
Get to know some of the people you worship with at Salem in a casual home setting from July 19-27. We are organizing meals in Salem homes this July. Sign…
Vacation Bible School
for children entering kindergarten-grade 5 June 10-14 9:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m. God gives us His power, strength, and provides us with everything we need to live fully alive in Him.…
7 Days of Prayer
Conversations with Jesus Sign up for your one-hour time slot. The Prayer Ministry Team is again hosting our Seven Days of Prayer week, starting Sunday, March 10 and open every…
Salem Music Sampler
We are delighted to offer samples of music from recent worship services at Salem! The first five selections below were recorded in our Contemporary Worship Service on November 5 and…
Upcoming Worship Schedule Changes
December 2, 9, and 16 Regular Worship Schedule December 23 8:30 and 9:45 a.m. Traditional Services 11:00 a.m. Contemporary Service No Sunday School, Confirmation, and Children’s Worship. Christmas…
Yogadevotion at Salem
Yogadevotion’s 8-week Classes on Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. Tuesdays, January 8 through February 26, 2019 Sign up by contacting the Church Office or come on the first night of an…
Game Ready. Life Ready. Registration is Open!
Basketball Basketball is a fun sport to play because it has relatively few rules, you can play it year round—both indoors and out—and it’s equally fun to play or…
Watch the Recording of Salem’s Christmas Concert
We hope you enjoy the replay of “He is Born, the Divine Christ Child” held on December 10th. Featuring: *God’s Children Sing *Praise Singers *Joy Singers *Doxology *Sanctuary Choir *Salem…
Finding the Manger: A Family Journey Through God’s Big Story
December 16, 9:45-10:45 a.m. Parents and children are invited to come and experience the Christmas Story in a whole new way. As a family, you will journey through activity stations,…