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Arts and Crafts Fair is this Saturday
Saturday, November 710:00 am – 4:00 pm Celebrating 20 years! 2015 marks the Salem Arts & Crafts Fair 20th anniversary! Every year this event has gotten better and better and our…
Trunk-or-Treat is Tonight!
PLEASE NOTE THAT IF THERE IS RAIN, WE WILL MOVE THE EVENT INDOORS! Salem’s parking lot will be filled with the trunks of vans and trucks decorated in…
90-Day Stewardship Challenge Update
Our 90-Day Stewardship Challenge is into its second week and we are thankful for the responses we have received so far. If you have not turned in your blue card,…
Salem 101
Membership Has Its Benefits – SALEM 101 Sundays, November 1, 8, 15, and 221:00-3:00 p.m. I asked a friend of mine who is a successful business man if he had joined…
Adult Sunday School
We are wrapping up a great class that Wayne Roosa is presenting entitled Exploring Sacred Space in Architecture, Painting, and Theology. This has been well received by attendees. Wayne has…
Parenting With Spirit
Sundays from 9:45-10:45 a.m. in the Lounge. How do you develop a faith in your children that “sticks” long term and defies the statistics of the alarming number of young people…
Covenant Pines Retreats
Retreats bring the best of the Covenant Pines program and staff to you, your family, and your church. We offer youth and family retreats for every season of the year.…
90-Day Stewardship Challenge
The 90-Day Stewardship Challenge kicked off this past Sunday! We are excited to begin this journey as a congregation–to see what the Lord has in store for us as we…
GriefShare at Salem this Fall
GriefShare will start Wednesday, October 21. This 13-week, biblically-based seminar and support group consists of discussions, videos, and support. We will be offering two sessions on Wednesdays, 11:15 a.m.-12:45 p.m.…
Annual Coat Drive
Drop off your donations by October 16 Donate: winter coats (gently used or new), snow suits or pants (gently used or new), gloves, mittens, scarves (gently used or new), hats (new only, please!). Coats…