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Biking for Congo Challenge
We are excited that Salem will be participating in the Biking For Congo challenge this October! Join the TEAM SALEM team today and get ready to bike, run, blade or…
Sign up for Fall Small Groups
Are you interested in connecting with like-minded friends? Consider joining a Salem Small Group. Check out the many group offerings kicking off this fall, including book clubs, knitting and sewing…
Journey Together: Next Steps in Making a Difference
Join our Journeys for adults 50+ group for an evening together on September 19, 6:30–8:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. We will go deeper into our awareness and involvement in food…
Get Your Picture Taken for the Church Directory
Online Scheduling Available! Photo Dates: Thurs – Sat, October 19 – 21 | Tues – Sat, November 7 – 11 To schedule your photography appointment online, Click HERE. Enter MN383…
AWANA Clubs Starting Soon!
Registration is now open for the 2023-2024 AWANA Clubs Season! AWANA is an opportunity for students to come together to learn about the Word of God, connect with one another…
Kick off to Fall: The All-Church Picnic is on Sept. 10th!
Mark your calendars as we Kick off to Fall: The All-Church Picnic will be Sept. 10 from 10:30 and 1:00! Come for conversation, fellowship, inflatables for the kids, and good…
English Camp in the Czech Republic Supports Language Skills and Spreading the Gospel
Four years after Salem last sent members on a mission trip to the Czech Republic, God provided an unexpected opportunity for Mark Nygaard, Linda Smith, and Don Vavrosky to return.…
24 Youth Share God’s Love on Mexico Mission Trip
24 youth and six leaders participated in a mission trip to Mexico. The main goal of the trip was to support the ministry of Esperanza Viva Youth Home in Puebla,…
Salem Volunteers Take on Building Tasks and Building Relationships at Alaska Christian College
A group of ten volunteers from Salem traveled to Alaska Christian College in Soldotna, Alaska in early June to take part in their summer projects program. The group worked…
Salem Covenant Church Arts and Crafts Fair
All space rental, bake sale and concession profits go to Salem Covenant Church Youth Ministry. Can’t wait to see you there! Check out Salem Covenant Church Arts & Craft Fair…