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Community Summer Celebration: Planting Seeds of Faith
Come and enjoy a fun-filled community connection event in Salem Covenant Church’s backyard! Your family is invited to attend Salem’s Contemporary Service at 10:30 a.m. on August 6th. After…
Over 120 Youth Attend Salem’s VBS!
Themed “Twists and Turns,” attenders had a lot of fun, learning about Jesus, Peter, and the other disciples. Youth actors from the Youth Pursuits: You Perform camp got into character…
Pastor Mark Leads Prayer before the Minnesota House of Representatives
Pastor Mark had the opportunity to say the prayer before the floor session for the Minnesota House of Representatives began this spring. He arrived beforehand to be briefed on where…
Summer Sunday Worship and Building Hours
May 28 — September 3 9:00 a.m. Traditional Worship 10:30 a.m. Contemporary Worship Flourish Preschool Worship (Children age 2- Grade 2) *Nursery will be provided for both services* Summer Building…
Salem Takes Part in Free Medical and Dental Clinic
Even before the Compassion Clinic officially opened, guests were arriving. “People are learning about the clinic, year after year, and now they know to get here early. They are…
Weekly Prayer Meetings Happening on Sundays
The Weekly Prayer Meeting is open to all who desire to come together in prayer over our church, our community, and the world. The meeting is held Sundays, 8:00-8:45 a.m.…
Sign up for an Interactive Seminar on Emotional Maturity
Join us for this 2 week interactive seminar led by Laura Mortenson, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, as we explore how emotional maturity affects our spiritual lives individually and as a…
Creating Connections: Electronic Newsletter
We want you to feel connected to all the wonderful events, ministries, and stories happening at Salem! One way to stay up-to-date is by joining our electronic newsletter mailing list!…
Thank You for Your Stewardship
The Stewardship Committee would like to thank everyone who turned in a tithing card on Stewardship Commitment Sunday. We are grateful for the financial support of our congregation and these cards will…
Sign up for Yogadevotion
We will be starting a new eight week Yogadevotion session via zoom on May 2 to June 20 via Zoom. Yogadevotion is a practice of breath, prayer and movement led…