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Sports Ministry September 2021
Salem’s 5-week Game Ready, Life Ready! Soccer Program (preschool-first grade) September 9 – October 7 Thursday evenings || 6:00-7:00pm Salem’s 5-week Game Ready, Life Ready! soccer program will begin…
Service and Volunteer Opportunities During COVID-19 Pandemic
While still honoring public health recommendations, Salem Covenant Church encourages you to help support increased needs in the community that are present during the coronavirus outbreak. There are many practical…
Discussion and Listening Session Resources
The following links are additional resources for your review. The Discussion and Listening Sessions are a series of events arranged by Salem’s Striving to Better Love Our Neighbors Task Force. …
Follow up to “Just Mercy” Movie and Black History Month Resources
Just Mercy Discussion Guide original blog post by Dominique Gilliard can be found at https://dominiquegilliard.com/2020/01/20/just-mercy-discussion-guide/ Just Mercy is a must-see film! It will move you to tears, and…
Congregational Survey – May 2020
The purpose of this survey is to gather information from Salem worship participants regarding their feelings about re-engaging in physical gatherings in our church building as government restrictions and guidelines…
Thrive Ministry
Thrive Ministry serves and empowers individuals with unique needs and disabilities. Our vision is to deepen their love for God, His Word, and His people through intentional support while…
Tables of Nine
February 20-22 and February 27-March 1 Tables of Nine returns this winter. Get to know some of the people you worship with at Salem in a casual home setting. Register…
Fall Wednesday Bible Studies
The morning study is a teaching and question and answer format. The evening study involves small group discussion and teaching. Come for one or all sessions. Both are always open…
Salem is updating its directory!
Salem is excited to have the opportunity to update our current photo directory. Reasons you should sign up: You are missing from our current directory. Your family has changed since…